Staff Vacancies

"A fun, happy, creative and caring team"

"I always feel my thoughts and opinions are respected"

"I am part of a warm and supportive team and have been given the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally"

"At Little Troopers I am more than just an employee, I am a valued and appreciated individual"

Staff Vacancies

Sorry there are no vacancies at the moment.

We are hiring

"A fun, happy, creative and caring team"

"I always feel my thoughts and opinions are respected"

"I am part of a warm and supportive team and have been given the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally"

"At Little Troopers I am more than just an employee, I am a valued and appreciated individual"

'the inspirational manager has embedded a rigorous system to support and monitor the development of staff'
Ofsted inspection report November 2023

'the leadership team is well established and extremely supportive of the staff'
Ofsted inspection report November 2023

'the manager and staff have an exceptionally good understanding about safeguarding children'
Ofsted inspection report November 2023