Ofsted and Little Troopers
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial. Ofsted inspects and regulates services which care for children and young people from 0-18 years of age. All Early Years settings have to be registered and approved by Ofsted before they can begin to look after children.
At the moment Ofsted has four inspection ratings (1) outstanding (2) good (3) requires improvement an (4) inadequate. While the ratings have largely remained the same, the categories by which each setting is judged have changed, along with successive amendments to the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Little Troopers Day Nursery received a ‘OUTSTANDING’ rating in our 07.11.2023 inspection and we are committed to look at ways to improve our standards of care. The nursery’s latest Ofsted report is available online at www.ofsted.gov.uk, as is the report for every childminder, school, nursery, pre-school and playgroup in the country.
You can view/ download our report for 2023 here.
And our registration certificate is available here.
A snippet from our 2018 OFSTED – OUTSTANDING report
Staff work highly successfully to provide precise and accurate assessments of children’s learning. They have delightful interactions with all children and this helps children’s love of learning accelerate at a fast pace. Staff use excellent strategies to help children think and learn. All children are inquisitive and active learners. Older children are confident speakers and they recall events and share what they know. Babies and younger children explore superb resources to enhance their sensory experiences. Older children develop excellent listening skills during group times and show their sound knowledge of letters and the sounds they represent. All children excel in using their imagination and creative skills with excellent resources accessible for role play and art and craft work. Children’s love of mark marking, books and singing is captured in every area of the nursery, including outdoor play.
This is a very welcoming and inclusive nursery where the atmosphere is positive and nurturing. Learning areas are highly organised and encourage children to explore, experiment and investigate. Staff are caring and attentive and children’s emotional well-being is central to everything they do. They provide high levels of reassurance and care. Children are praised and told they are ‘fantastic’, which boosts their self-esteem. Children’s health and physical development are promoted exceptionally well. Children enjoy freshly prepared nutritious meals and snacks, and they have excellent opportunities to spend time outside. Links with local agencies and other professionals work extremely well to ensure all children’s needs are met.
Closed bank holidays and Christmas week